The More You Give, the Richer You Are
The More You Give, the Richer You Are
Leaves, flowers, stones are the mediums that make up most of my artworks. All of these are from nature, there is no need to pay for them, and they are truly beautiful materials. Using them gratefully, observing their subtle beauty, seeing the result with my efforts, every time I am in awe of these materials. It helps me to realize each time, that by nature I live a life, full of gifts from all around me.
Happily, I am willing to share these gifts with others with the understanding that, even though made these art works using my hands and a full heart, they're not really 'mine'. Rather, they are gifts from nature. With this mind, I believe I should give them to others as gifts, for I have already received enough joy just from the process of discovering, collecting, and making them.
“The urge to own diminishes as our sense of connectedness and gratitude grows, and we realize that our labor power is not our own, and what I make is not properly mine. Is not my ability to labor, and my life itself, a gift too? In that realization, we desire to give our creations to all that have contributed to our being and granted us the gift of life … the more you give, the richer you are.” – Charles Eisenstein
Through the process of making this work, I decided that it should be a gift exhibition. So, please feel free to take these art works if you like them, and enjoy the beauty of this nature.
I hope you can realize them not as a gift from me, but as a true 'gift' from nature. Please accept and cherish them, and know that you can find more and more of the same by your own sense.